Kelly Rae tagged everyone that read to make a list of 16 things people might not know about them so here is mine....
1. I danced for 8 years. Started in kindergarten and stopped at the end of 7th grade. Tap, jazz, ballet but tap was my favorite. I quit to play basketball although it was more of a paternal urging to quit and not so much my wanting to.
2. I celebrated my first birthday in Nassau. I was going to celebrate 13 there but my grandma died and we had to come home.
3. Most of the times when I go shopping for clothes I ask myself if Stacy and Clinton would approve.
4. I don’t eat anything that lives in water, seafood, fish.
5. Mac and cheese is my favorite comfort food.
6. I like the window seat on planes. I enjoy seeing where I’m going and trying to spot landmarks as we’re getting ready to land.
7. I only made Dean’s list once in college. After my first year I never thought it was possible but I got it my last term. It also happened to be one of my easiest terms.
8. My mom is addicted to Bejeweled on my IPod Touch. I have to make sure it’s charged when I get home at night so she can play until the battery dies.
9. My first job was working with mentally disabled children. It’s still the best job I had.
10. Hearing people use double negatives is a huge pet peeve of mine. Also poor grammar. Not that my grammar is perfect.
11. This time of year is my least favorite. I don’t mind cold but I don’t like the really cold.
12. I’m one of those people stores hate. I buy things and then take them back. With clothes it’s the fact that things look different once you get them home. I’m trying to be better but I do have stuff that needs to go back to Target.
13. Pink is my favorite color, but for most of my life it was purple. My bedroom in my current house was originally painted purple, now it's blue.
14. If I could wear flip flops all year long I would.
15. I've been to the finals of 2 sports and feel like I need to go to a Superbowl and World Series to round it out. I saw the Wings win in 1997 from the top row of the Joe and in 2005 I was at game 5 of the NBA finals when the Pistons lost I believe in 2 overtimes.
16. I'm not the most organized person in the world even though I sometimes think I am. Then I have to look at my bedroom and know I need major help!
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